- 3.2 Student Seats Reservation Policy
- 3.2 Total DPI Sanctioned Posts
- 2.1b. Document by Principal- Full-Time Teachers(without repeat count highlighted)
- 3.1 Total expenditure excluding salary component
- 1.1 Total no of students admitted during last five years
- 2.1 List of full time Teachers Certificate by Principal
- 2.1 List of full time Teachers year wise during last five year
- 5.1.1 Proof letters of scholarships
- 3.1 Total expenditure excluding salary
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- 7.1.1: Gender Equity National International
- 7.1.2: Environmental Consciousness sustainability Divyangjan friendly initiatives
- 7.1.3: Quality audits on environment and energy
- 7.1.4: Inclusion, Situatedness, Human values & professional ethics
- 7.2.1: Best Practices
- 7.3.1: Institutional Distinctiveness
- 6.1.1: The governance and leadership
- 6.2.1: The functioning of the institutional bodies
- 6.2.2: Implementation of e-governance
- 6.3.1: The institution has effective welfare measures
- 6.3.2: Percentage of teachers provided with financial support
- 6.3.2: Template Percentage of teachers provided with financial support
- 6.3.3: Percentage of teaching non- teaching staff participating in FDP-
- 6.3.3: Template Percentage of teaching non- teaching staff participating in FDP
- 6.4.1: Institution has strategies for mobilization of funds
- 6.5.1: Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
- 6.5.2: Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include
- 6.5.2: Template Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include
- 5.1.1: Documents relating to Students Scholarship
- 5.1.1: Template Documents relating to Students Scholarship
- 5.1.2: Details of Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives
- 5.1.2: Template Details of Capacity building and skills enhancement
- 5.1.3: Details of Activities for guidance for competitive
- 5.1.3: Template Details of Activities for guidance for competitive
- 5.1.4: Mechanism for Redressal of Student’s Grievances
- 5.2.1: Documents relating to placement of outgoing students
- 5.2.1: Template Documents relating to placement of outgoing students.
- 5.2.2: Template students qualifying appearing in Exams
- 5.2.2: Documents of students qualifying appearing in Exams
- 5.3.1: Awards- Medals in Sports and culture
- 5.3.1: Template Awards- Medals in Sports and cultureActivities
- 5.3.2: Sports and cultural events
- 5.3.2: Template sports and cultural events
- 5.4.1: Alumni Association
- 4.1.1: Additional Information (Link)
- 4.1.1: Institutional Physical and Sports Facilities
- 4.1.2: Certificate and Audit Reports
- 4.1.2: Template Average expenditure,infrastructure augmentation
- 4.2.1: Library as a Learning Resource (Link)
- 4.2.1: Library Footfall Calculation
- 4.3.1: IT infrastructure additional information (Link)
- 4.3.1: IT Infrastructure Information
- 4.3.2: Student Computer Ratio Certificate (Main)
- 4.3.2 (a): Invoices of PC purchased
- 4.3.2 (b): Stock Register Entries of Computers
- 4.3.2 (c): Invoices for other Hardware Accessories and Software
- 4.3.2 (d): Stock Entries for Hardware , Accessories and Softwares
- 4.4.1: Certificate and Audit Reports
- 4.4.1: Template Average expenditure maintainence-physical-academic facilities
- 2.1.1: Student Enrollment
- 2.1.1: Template Details of seats filled & Sanctioned
- 2.1.2: Reserve Category Detail updated
- 2.1.2: Template Details of Reserve category
- 2.2.1: Student & Teacher Detail final
- 2.3.1: Student Centric Methods for experential & participative learning final
- 2.4.1: Full Time Teacher Detail Final
- 2.4.1: Full Time Teacher Detail Final
- 2.4.2: Template Phd & NET Teachers detail
- 2.5.1: Internal Assessment & Grievances
- 2.6.1: Attainment of Program & course Outcome
- 2.6.1: Program and Course Outcomes (LINK )
- 2.6.2: Student Pass Percentage-updated
- 2.6.2: Template Student Passout Percentage final
- 2.6.2. Student Pass Percentage-Updated (LINK)
- 2.7.1: Template Student Detail (SSS)
- 3.1.1: Grants for research projects
- 3.1.1: Template Grants for research projects
- 3.2.1: Institution Ecosystem for innovation
- 3.2.2: Template Workshop on IPR-Interpreneurship-Research Methodology
- 3.2.2: Report -Workshop on IPR-Interpreneurship-Research Methodology
- 3.3.1: Research Papers in Journals
- 3.3.1: Template Research Papers in Journals
- 3.3.2: Books & Papers in Conference
- 3.3.2: Template Research Papers in Journals
- 3.4.1: Report on Extension Activities
- 3.4.2: Awards and recognition from Govt. and non-Govt. bodies
- 3.4.2: Template Award and recognition
- 3.4.3: List of extensions and outreach programs
- 3.4.3: Template Extension Activities
- 3.5.1: Template MOU & Collaborations
- 1.1.1:Flow Chart Effective Curriculum Planning
- 1.1.1: The Institution ensures Effective Curriculum Planning
- 1.2.1: Number of Add On Course compressed
- 1.2.1: Template Add on Percentage
- 1.2.2: Template Add on Percentage
- 1.2.2: Percentage of students
- 1.3.1: Crosscutting Issues
- 1.3.2: Project Work
- 1.3.2: Template Project Work
- 1.4.1: Feedback Analysis
- Research Paper1
- Research Paper2
- Research Paper3
- Research Paper4
- Research Paper5
- Research Paper6
- Students Undertaking Project Work/Field Work/Internship
Admission Helpline: 01871-240800
The information in this website for general purpose. Visitors to the site are requested to cross check the information with the college authorities. The college would not be responsible for any data inaccuracy or delay in the updation of the information on the website.